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Value-Based Care Advisor

Claim the best ACO REACH offer for your practice

Value-Based Care Advisor Estimated claims-aligned Medicare patients

Offer Calculator

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How would you prefer to get paid for your Medicare patients?

Are you willing to take on some degree of financial risk in exchange for shared savings?

All offers last sourced at EST on , . Offers are generated based on current information we have about your practice. Payments made in Performance Year 2025 will be based on practice performance and final data from CMS and are subject to change.

Get started

Help us understand a bit more about your practice, your payment preferences, and risk tolerance.

Available offers that are best aligned for you will appear here. See an example with 500 original Medicare patients below.

Value-based Care Advisor

Let’s get in touch to learn more about your practice.

Our system requires a bit more information about you so we can ensure we’re providing the best offer for you.

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Value-Based Care Advisor

Example Offer
— PY 2025

$120,370 per year

Steady Revenue

$46,234 per year

Primary Care Payments

$3,169 / month

class="deal-1-approximate-ffs-payment flex-row small">

Approximate FFS Payment

$0 / month

Pearl Revenue Enhancement*

$1368 / month

Performance-Based Payments

$74,137 per year

Potential Shared Savings**

$74,137 per year

Payments 1 ? Transitioning to 100% capitation for original Medicare gives you revenue stability and positions you to make the most of Shared Savings.

Capitation %


Fee-for-Service (FFS) %


Revenue Enhancement %


Risks 2 ? >Pearl limits your exposure by taking on asymmetric risk on your behalf, while offering you much more of the upside share. If you believe you will perform well in this model, it is best take on upside risk to maximize your Shared Savings.

Upside Share


Downside Share



Have questions?

Speak with a specialist to learn more about our exclusive offers

1 Steady revenue payments do not include revenue from non-PQEM codes billed. Non-PQEM codes will continue to be billed FFS at the same rates as your practice is billing today.

2 Risk shares calculated after accounting for ACO REACH risk corridors.

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